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Dogs and Stormy Weather

Tips for Helping Rover Keep Calm During Stormy Weather
Written By: Paige Johnson
When planning for severe weather, you have to include the needs of your pets in the process. Preparing for bad weather depends on your location and the time of year, but no matter if it’s a hurricane or an approaching thunderstorm, your dog could experience discomfort. Here is some advice for dog owners on severe weather, thunderstorms, and home preparations:
Make an Emergency Kit:
Just like you would gather necessities for yourself or family members in the event of an emergency, you should collect the basic items your dog might need if a quick evacuation is necessary. Things to include in your kit:
● Leash
● At least 72 hours-worth of food and water
● Plastic bags, gloves, and hand sanitizer
● Manual can opener
● Contact information of your dog’s vet along with vaccination certificates
● Bowls
● Blankets and towels
● A favorite toy
Before the Storm:
● Get your pets updated on their vaccinations. This might be the difference in admission into a pet shelter or turning to plan B
● Get a carrier that is big enough for your pet to being able to stand up and turn around
● Locate several places that will take in your dog, whether that is a pet shelter, animal control shelter, veterinary clinic, or a friend or family member’s house. Or you may want to looking to dog boarding as an option
● Have a few hotels on speed-dial that are pet-friendly or would wave their policy in the event of an emergency
To brave the booms of thunder and flashes of lightning with your dog, you may need to have a few tricks up your sleeve. Each dog can respond uniquely to the circumstances, so know your dog and make the proper accommodations.
● Modify your behavior, modify your dog’s behavior. Engage your dog in a way that earns a reward, like a game of fetch or learning a new trick. You can also make him execute a command that he’s already comfortable with or give him a really dense bone to gnaw on—anything to distract him, and you for that matter, from the raging storm outside.
● Buy or make a storm jacket. There are numerous brands to choose from, or one of your old t-shirts will suffice. Make sure they are fitted—comfortable but tight, like a swaddle—to ensure a sense of safety and calm in your dog.
● Designate a safe room. Pay attention to your dog. Where does he go when the storm hits? Make that their sanctuary to escape the ensuing fear. The premise of the room is to cut off as many senses to the storm as possible. Cover the windows, sound-proof the room with wallboard to muffle noises, turn the lights on to negate the flashes of lightning and place their crate in one of the corners, equipped with food, water, toys, and treats.
If You’re Not at Home
Nobody can predict the weather. If you’re out and about during a storm but your furry friend is stuck in the house, you need a plan of action.
● Be prepared. The easiest way to avoid any huge mishaps is to plan for an event well in advance. Make arrangements with someone you trust with your dog (and who your dog trusts) to open up their home for them. Show them where your emergency kit and other supplies are located, and brief them on your dog’s behaviors so they know what to expect.
● Take time to safely store anything toxic or that can endanger your dog. When they are frantic, they have a tendency to hurt themselves or be more reckless.
● Close off any unsafe areas of the house.
Storms can come unexpectedly, but being prepared can prevent some of the chaos that arises. Reacting calmly and rationally can only help your dog when they are anything but.