Stirling Collies
(Diane Stirling - Working Collie Breeder in Minnesota)
Many Non-Carrier for CEA
Rough Coat Collies and Smooth Coat Collies
Stirling's Lad Of The Lassies - "Laddie" - Normal Eyed, Non-Carrier for PRA and CEA (paperwork available upon request)
Hansen's Captain Jack Frost x Suzie's Lucky Princess

DNA Test Completed October 09, 2012
Registered Name: Stirling's Lad Of The Lassies
Call Name: Laddie
Breed: Collie
Gender: Male
Optigen Accession #: 12-8282
Test Performed: Rod-Cone Dysplasia Type 2
Sample Type: Swab
Test Results: Genotype of Dog tested is Normal
Risk for developing rcd2 form of PRA: Will never develop rcd2 form of PRA.
Significance for breeding: Can be bred to any dog and will produce no pups affected by rcd2 form of PRA.
This interpretation is based on the test result of the DNA test for the specific mutation identified as causing the rcd2 form of PRA in Collies as of the date on this report.
For further information, please visit OptiGen's website at www.optigen.com.
DNA Test Completed October 04, 2012
Registered Name: Stirling's Lad Of The Lassies
Call Name: Laddie
Breed: Collie
Gender: Male
Optigen Accession #: 12-8282
Test Performed: CEA/CH test
Sample Type: Swab
Test Results: Genotype of your dog is NORMAL/CLEAR.
Risk for developing Collie Eye Anomaly/Choroidal Hypoplasia (CEA/CH): This dog will never develop CEA/CH.
Significance for breeding: This dog can be bred to any mate and will produce no pups affected with CEA/CH.
This interpretation is based on the test result of the DNA test for the specific mutation identified as causing CEA/CH in Collies as of the date on this report.
DNA Test Completed October 09, 2012Registered Name: Stirling's Lad Of The LassiesCall Name: LaddieBreed: CollieGender: MaleOptigen Accession #: 12-8282Test Performed: Rod-Cone Dysplasia Type 2Sample Type: SwabTest Results: Genotype of Dog tested is NormalRisk for developing rcd2 form of PRA: Will never develop rcd2 form of PRA.Significance for breeding: Can be bred to any dog and will produce no pups affected by rcd2 form of PRA.This interpretation is based on the test result of the DNA test for the specific mutation identified as causing the rcd2 form of PRA in Collies as of the date on this report.For further information, please visit OptiGen's website at www.optigen.com. DNA Test Completed October 04, 2012Registered Name: Stirling's Lad Of The LassiesCall Name: LaddieBreed: CollieGender: MaleOptigen Accession #: 12-8282Test Performed: CEA/CH testSample Type: SwabTest Results: Genotype of your dog is NORMAL/CLEAR.Risk for developing Collie Eye Anomaly/Choroidal Hypoplasia (CEA/CH): This dog will never develop CEA/CH.Significance for breeding: This dog can be bred to any mate and will produce no pups affected with CEA/CH.This interpretation is based on the test result of the DNA test for the specific mutation identified as causing CEA/CH in Collies as of the date on this report.For further information, please consult the OptiGen website at www.optigen.com.